Sunday 11 December 2011

Opening sequence analysis - Juno (2007)

JUNO (2007)
The sequence begins with a medium close up of a teenage female drinking orange juice from a plastic carton. for the first 6 seconds the only sound we can hear is the only sound that you can hear is the diagetic sound from the carton. It is after 6 seconds that the non-diajetic sound begins, which is a quirky love song. We then change to a wide shot of our female character walking down what seems to be an average American street with mailboxes on the street and porches.

This is the first time that we see what the character in full and we are able to see what she is wearing. Her outfit is very simple and consists of jeans, trainers  a red sweater and she has her hair tied back, which presents her as a very casual looking, tomboyish person, she is also still carrying her orange juice.
Whilst walking down the street a group of
teenagers run past the character in the other direction wearing sports clothes and she continues to walk as if they are not their almost showing that she does not care about anything. It  is after 15 seconds when the sequence changes entirely, and becomes a childish like cartoon showing us what the character is really like.

The use of bright childish colors on textbook square paper makes it all seem like doodles of her imagination. During these stop animation scenes we see a mixture or shots including closeups, medium closeups, mid shots and wide shots. all showing us a small in-site into the location for the film. After 15 seconds of the animation the character is introduced to us a Juno. Juno then continues to walk along numerous streets passing, a music shop a hair dressers and a nail shop. The opening sequence returns to normal people after 2mins and 25 seconds as Juno walk's into a drugs store with 2 other teenagers outside, one of which is sitting on a child's ride.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Flim research using

Yesterday in class we used a presentation software called Prezi. Below is a clip of the work I have created whilst researching into my opening sequence.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Film Brief

Yesterday we received our brief. We are to create A film opening sequence lasting approximately 2min.

 We have been advised to avoid the following opening sequences:

  1. Stalker following a woman in the woods
  2. People tied up and trapped in rooms 
  3. Waking up, brushing teeth, getting ready
  4. People playing cards
  5. Flashbacks or flash-forward 
  6. Ouija board 
  7. Person sticking pin's or knives into pictures 

I am now going to use the information I collected from my survey along with watching opening sequences from art of the titles and Youtube to come up with an idea of my own.